Sure, every doctor and trainer tells you this, and we will too: dehydration forces the brain to work harder and may dampen its planning ability. 当然,每位医生和训练员都会告诉你这一点,我们还是要强调:脱水会促使大脑工作更费力,可能会抑制大脑的规划能力。
The secret of modern brain work is that it requires a combination of fast and slow. 现代大脑工作的秘诀是要求快慢结合。
While improving your brain takes work, the good news is there are some accessible ways to go about it. 虽然提高智力是一项庞大工程,但幸运的是我们还是有路可走的。
'But everyone who does brain work knows that if you're stumped or need fresh ideas, take a walk.' 但所有脑力劳动者都知道,如果你被某个问题难住了,或者是需要全新的点子,那就不妨走上一走。
Something as ineffable as where you focus your attention can make your whole brain work differently. 人的注意力集中在不同地方,整个大脑的运行方式也就不同。
It requires a number of different parts of your brain to work together to make the melodies that you desire. 它需要你大脑的多个不同部分协调工作来创作出你想要的旋律。
I love to make my brain work, giving it some pressure. 我喜欢让我的大脑思考,给大脑一些压力。
But Huckleberry Finn was published in1884.And brain work is going the way of manual work, to whoever will provide the best value for money. 但是《哈克贝利费恩》出版于1884年,而如今,脑力工作像体力活一样,将流向能提供最好性价比的人。
These problems require your brain to work and not only help train your brain, but make you better at these things ( maybe you'll become a Chess master). 这些问题需要你使用大脑,不仅帮助你训练大脑,也让你在这些问题上做得更好(也许你将成为象棋大师)。
Marsha forced her brain to work. 玛莎强迫自己的大脑工作。
Stop eating junk food and your brain will work better. 停止吃垃圾食物,你的头脑会更灵活。
In short, the hands and brain work together in perfect harmony for this cusp combination. 总之,手脑一起在完美和谐,为这个尖的组合。
It may look easy at first sight but it is not simple at all, besides a good portion of dexterity and speed, you'll also need to do a lot of brain work to solve the logical puzzles. 它可能看起来很容易一见钟情,但它不是简单的是,除了很大一部分灵巧和速度,您也需要做很多工作来解决脑的逻辑谜题。
This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour. 此项教育的目的在于实现脑力劳动与体力劳动相结合。
Bridge design is probably the hardest brain work in civil engineering. 在土木工程中,桥梁设计大概是艰苦的脑力劳动了。
To find out how the brain waves work, it helps to think of the brain as an engine. 为了弄清脑波是如何工作的,将大脑想象成一部发动机会更容易理解。
"Neurologists use magnetic resonance imagers to watch the Brain at work, thoughts and feelings vividly lighting up the screen" “神经医师利用磁共振像仪观察大脑的工作情况,人的思维和情感可以生动地跃然屏幕之上”
Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg investigated whether transcranial direct current stimulation, or TDCS, can make one part of the brain work harder than other. 海蒂·约翰森·伯格教授教授研究了颅直流电刺激(TDCS)能否让一部分大脑比其他部分更努力工作。
If you think more, your brain will work more efficiently and you yourself will become more serious. 如果你进行更多的思考,你的大脑会更有效的运转而你自己也会变得更加深刻。
It's crazy how much our brain can work in order to protect us against ourself. 为了保护我们自己,我们的大脑会不顾一切地让我们去做事与愿违的事。
But the reality is that many parts of the brain work together to produce speech and no single gene, region of the brain or theory can explain successful language-learning. 事实上,话语能力是大脑的许多部分共同运作而产生的,没有任何单独的基因、大脑区域或理论的不同领域可以成功解释语言学习。
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work. 典型的,这些当前的想象方法就像CAT扫描和PET扫描和fMRI这些,正如我以前所说,展示了你的大脑的工作的部分。
Mathematics is said to be a subject that helps the brain work and develop. 数学据说是有利于大脑思考和发育的科目。
Doing handwork and brain work alternatively can help develop both our brain and hands. Secondly, we should avoid doing brainwork for long hours on end. 做手工和脑力劳动交替发展既可以帮助发展我们的大脑和双手。
The researchers said that while the love lives of voles differ from those of humans, the same brain structures work in much the same ways across different species. 研究人员指出,尽管人的情感与田鼠的还有很大差别,但在不同的物种之间,相同的大脑结构也会有相似的运作方式。
This article embarks from the artistic angle, pointed out art is society's brain work product, one kind of important social phenomenon. 本文从艺术鉴赏角度出发,指出绘画艺术是一种形象思维与抽象思维相结合的社会的精神劳动产品,一种重要的社会现象。
In the market-driven economy, the brain work aims at the optimum combination of the variety of goods every individual needs and the maximization of utility and benefits. 在市场经济条件下,精神生产的目的是通过交换,使个人所需各类物品达到最佳组合,达到效用或利益的最大化。
Their health will be effected if they don't exercise suitably after hard brain work. 单纯的脑力劳动之后,如果没有适宜的身体锻炼,必然会使他们的健康状况受到影响。
It is a mining process from data and information to knowledge discovery. It is also a knowledge learning model specified in simulating human brain work process. 其基本思想是:基于知识发现的数据、信息到知识的挖掘过程,是一种特定的模拟人类思维推理过程的概念到思维的知识学习模型。
English-learning is a complicated brain work just as mother tongue learning. Learners need to reconstruct the language system which is influenced by the cognitive structure of mother tongue. 学习英语是一种学习母语以外语言的复杂智慧活动,其间语言规则系统固然需要重构,但这种重构是在母语认知结构的影响下进行的。